Coping With The Side Effects Of Pain Medications

When you are required to take a medication, you might believe that you will inevitably experience harmful side effects. But fortunately, a compounding pharmacy may be able to reduce the effects of a medication by altering your medications. This is especially helpful if you are suffering from debilitating pain, but are struggling to take your medication due to the side effects. Changing the How You Ingest Your Medication One of the common side effects that you may experience is nausea or vomiting as a result of your medication.

The Hardest Part about Being a Nurse

If you are thinking about becoming a nurse, or have just started nursing school, there are some difficult truths about nursing that you need to accept now. The sooner you find out about the downsides of nursing, the sooner you can work on overcoming them and becoming an excellent nurse.Here are some of the hardest things about being a nurse, along with ways you can learn to make the best of them.

Four Ways To Not Feel Hungry While Dieting

One of the biggest drawbacks of trying to lose weight on a diet is the fear of feeling hungry all the time. If you're already struggling to stop mindlessly munching snacks, just the idea of feeling as though you've got an empty stomach all the time could scare you away from even trying to diet. Thankfully, it's entirely possible to reduce your feelings of hunger while you eat fewer calories. Here are four ways to reduce your hunger pangs and feel satisfied while you lose weight.

Dealing With A Gambling Addiction: Treatment Options

Addiction is more often than not though to only be a problem related to substance abuse. However, the true definition of addiction has to do with a behavior or action that is compulsive and that affects the pleasure/reward centers in the brain. The surge of good feelings that accompany a behavior is what a person becomes addicted to. Behaviors such as a gambling can become an addiction, but there are options for receiving help:

Tips For Monitoring Your Skin For Signs Of Cancer

One of the most important things you can do for your health is to monitor yourself for signs of cancer on a regular basis. Skin cancer in particular is much easier to cure when it is caught in the very early stages. It only takes a few minutes to check yourself for skin growths on a monthly schedule. Here are a few tips for performing a self-examination for skin cancer.