
Services You Probably Didn't Know Your Pharmacist Offered

Most people think of the local pharmacy as somewhere to get over-the-counter pain and cold relief and to pick up prescription medications. However, if this is all you consider your pharmacy for, you're actually selling it short. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of some of the many services that are typically offered by local pharmacists. Before you dismiss your local pharmacy, you should understand some of the additional services you can take advantage of.

Reasons to Involve a Chiropractor in Your Healthcare More Often

How often do you see a chiropractor? Some people never see one. Other people see a chiropractor now and then, mostly when they have back pain. Everyone has different healthcare needs, and there's no one solution that suits everyone. However, if you're someone who rarely sees a chiropractor, you might want to consider getting one more involved in your care. Here are the benefits of doing so. You'll Get Lots of Preventative Care Treatments and Advice

The Long-Term Advantages Of An Ergonomic Evaluation For Your Business

Over the years, there has been an increasing interest in ergonomically designed workspaces as more and more people have started recognizing the correlation between their overall health and the immediate conditions of their work environment. However, some business owners remain skeptical about evaluating their premises since they think that having to assess and overhaul the design of their workplace will be an expensive endeavor. Admittedly, an ergonomic assessment will warrant investment from you.

2 Little-Known Ways To Ease Post-Workout Sore Muscles

If you enjoy working out to stay in good shape and in good health, then you may experience post-workout muscle soreness on a regular or occasional basis. Post-workout muscle soreness is not uncommon and can occur immediately after a workout, 12 hours after you exercise, or 48 to 72 hours after a tough workout and can last from hours to days. This soreness is caused by many factors, but it is typically a sign that your muscles are responding to your workout routine and getting stronger.

After Oral Cancer Surgery, Speech Therapy Can Help

Being diagnosed with oral cancer is scary. Having surgery to remove the cancer can be even scarier. Once you're healed, you can take a sigh of relief that, at least for now, the threat has been removed. However, adapting to changes in your mouth after surgery for oral cancer can be difficult. Fortunately, working with a speech pathologist can be really helpful during this period of recovery. Here's how. Teaching New Ways to Make Sounds