Will your wife be having surgery in the near future? Maybe she is having something like knee replacement surgery. Whatever the type of surgery your wife is having, are you able to take time off from work to help her in the recovery process? If so, she is indeed blessed to have her sweetheart by her side. On the other hand, perhaps you are not able to take time off from work. If that's the case, there are certainly other ways to show her that you are there to support her.
Do you already have a plan for when your wife gets home from the hospital? Maybe you are still in the planning process of what you can do to do to help your wife after she comes home from the hospital. In that case, here are some ideas that might help you.
Friends And Family - If all your wife needs while you're gone is to take it easy, her care won't be that complicated. However, you certainly don't want her to spend her days all by herself. Friends and family members will more than likely offer to help you and your wife get through this post-surgery time. Your initial reaction might be to say something like, "No, thank you. I've got this covered." But, if they offered to help, friends and family members really mean that they want to be there for you and for your wife. How can they help?
Perhaps your wife would simply love some company, perhaps to play a board game with her or to just visit. She might also love for somebody to bring her lunch or another treat. However, it might be somewhat overwhelming for your wife to have too many visitors in one day. With that in mind, maybe it would be good for you to have one person who will coordinate the visits and meals that are brought in.
Home Healthcare - Your wife might need more than visits. In fact, she might need professionals who will oversee things like physical therapy and the proper administration of medications. Home healthcare services will have trained healthcare providers who will take care of everything that can be done at home.
The home healthcare personnel won't just administer medicines. He or she can also help with bathing, making simple meals, and even going for walks with your wife when the doctor gives the okay for that to happen.
Be specific about what your wife's needs are. Also, if your wife would prefer only female caregivers, specify that, too.
For more information on home healthcare, contact a company like Aspen Healthcare Services.