Tips for Making Your Child's Immunization Appointments Go More Smoothly

Technology and science have advanced greatly over the past century and there are now a number of immunizations that prevent dangerous diseases that used to cause death or serious complications in people before immunizations were developed. While immunizations have literally been a lifesaver for modern society, they still require an injection, so many young kids will still dread getting their immunizations, no matter how important they are.

As a parent, there are several things that you can do to make your child's immunization appointments go more smoothly:

Stay Calm

As a parent, it can be difficult to see your child upset or crying. Before the immunization appointment, take the time to calm yourself down and reduce any anxiety that you may feel. Children often pick up on how their parents feel and follow their cues, so being calm can help soothe your child and make him or her feel more comfortable. The more confident and calm you are at the doctor's office, the better things will go.

Pay Attention to How Your Talk About the Appointment

Children are naturally curious, so it is not uncommon for them to want to know more about what to expect. It is a good idea to talk to your child about his or her appointment in advance. However, try to avoid using words that have negative connotations, such as hurt, pain, and needle. At the same time, don't say things that are not true, such as telling your child that the immunization won't hurt at all. The best thing you can do is be honest but in a positive way. It can help for you to explain to your child that the immunizations are necessary to help keep him or her healthy and prevent him or her from getting very sick.

Distract Your Child

When you have a young child who needs an immunization, it can be helpful to distract him or her from the actual injection. Depending on the age of your child, you could use a puppet, a book, tell jokes, recite a story, or let your child watch a video on a tablet. When your child is distracted, he or she is less likely to be worried and anxious about the immunization. This can also help from your child tensing up or flinching, which can make it easier for the medical professional to administer the shot. Always make sure to praise your child after receiving an immunization in order to create a positive association. 
