Ovarian Cancer Symptoms, Risk Factors And Treatment Options

Ovarian cancer affects a great number of women worldwide, although most women have no idea they have it. The reason why is that so many women skip their routine visits to the gynecologist. That yearly visit could save your life. Getting a pap smear and having a checkup with your gynecologist can catch this and other diseases or problems before they spread of worsen. See below for some ovarian cancer symptoms, risk factors and treatment options.

Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer

These signs could be other things as well, but they could also be linked to ovarian cancer.

  • Excessive hair growth, or thicker, darker hair is growing in.
  • Pain in your back.
  • Belly bloating.
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles.
  • Pain in the pelvis or during sex.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Excessive fatigue.
  • Troubles eating.
  • Urinary problems.

Again, these symptoms could be linked to something else, but if you are experiencing some of these symptoms you may want to get to your gynecologist for a checkup - especially if you haven't been in for awhile.

Risk Factors Of Ovarian Cancer

There are a number of risk factors linked to ovarian cancer. Some of these include:

  • Genetics. If anyone in your family has had ovarian cancer, you could also be at risk.
  • Few or No Children. If you don't have any children at all, or have few children that you had later in life.
  • Estrogen. If you took estrogen replacement pills, you could be at risk.
  • Age. If you are older, you could be at risk. Ovarian cancer occurs in women aged 55 and older (although younger women are also at risk).
  • Previous Cancer. If you have had breast cancer or other types of cancer, you could be at risk for ovarian cancer.

If you do not plan on having any more children (or any children), you may want to think about having a hysterectomy. This may be required if you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. You can opt to have a hysterectomy if you are at a higher risk to prevent this type of cancer. Talk to your gynecologist about this option for you.

Treatment For Ovarian Cancer

Again, surgery may be required if you are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. A complete hysterectomy may need to take place (including ovaries and fallopian tubes). Your lymph nodes may also need to be biopsied to be sure there is no cancer in the lymph nodes. 

Chemotherapy and radiation may also be required depending on your particular case. 

Cancer is a terrible disease, no matter what type you have. Be sure to visit a doctor or gynecologist, such as at Advanced OB-GYN Services , if you are experiencing any new symptoms or changes in your body to help prevent this awful disease. Be sure not to skip your yearly visit with your gynecologist.
