3 Often-Ignored Early Warning Signs Of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a condition that is rather minor and easy to treat in its early stages, but once it is allowed to progress, it can lead to tooth loss and unsightly pockets in your gums. Unfortunately, the early signs of gum disease are often overlooked, so many people find themselves trying to treat a tougher, more advanced case by the time they realize that they have the condition. Make sure you don't fall into this same trap by learning to recognize these early warning signs of gum disease.

Bleeding gums.

A little pink in the sink shouldn't cause you to panic, but it does indicate that you are starting to develop gum disease. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, don't back off on brushing or flossing. You actually need to brush and floss more often, as this will help treat the gum disease and put an end to the bleeding. It is perfectly okay to switch to a softer-bristled toothbrush in the meantime so you don't cause as much soreness and bleeding.

Bad breath.

There are many possible causes of bad breath. However, if you are brushing your teeth regularly and avoiding smelly foods like garlic – and your breath still smells – you need to consider the possibility that gum disease is contributing to the problem. Luckily, antiseptic mouthwash is great at fighting off early-stage gum disease while also freshening your breath. Don't use it as a replacement for proper brushing and flossing though – it should be an addition to your routine.

Puffiness and redness.

You probably don't spend a lot of time staring at your gums in the mirror. However, it's important to look at them once in a while in order to check for these signs of gum disease. Your gums should be a medium pink in color. If they are bright red, then this is a sign of gum disease. They should also be rather "flat." If they appear puffy or you can press on them and cause them to flatten, this is an early sign of gum disease.

As mentioned above, early stage gum disease can usually be corrected with more regular brushing and flossing, and with the use of antiseptic mouthwash. If your symptoms do not clear up within a week or two of implementing this routine, however, you should contact a periodontist like Periodontal Specialists. They may recommend additional treatments like a deep cleaning or antibiotic cream to ensure your gum disease is cured before it becomes any worse.
